Hair Care
Poor nutrition, hormonal changes, stress & shock play a major part in affecting the condition, appearance or disapperance of hair.

Vitamin A - promotes healthy scalp.
Food sources: dark green, orange & yellow fruits & vegetables.

Vitamin B complex - Regulates the secretion of oil, keeps hair healthy & moisturized.

Food sources: cerals, tomatoes, lean meat, liver, kidney, Brewer's yeast, eggs & green vegetables.

A severe lack of biotin (one of the Vitamin Bs) can lead to hair loss. It works best with Vitamin B5, B12 & folic acid. Food sources: cauliflower, yoghurt, wholemeal bread, bran & bananas.

Minerals such as zinc, iron & copper promote healthy hair.

Food sources: zinc - lean red meat, chicken, pumpkin seeds & green vegetables; iron - beef, dried apricots, lean red meat, parsely, eggs, wheatgerm & sunflower seeds; copper - animal organs, seafood, egg yolk & whole grains.

A lack of iron is cited to be the cause of hair loss among women who have not reached menopause.

Proteins - because hair is made up of 97% protein (keratin), consuming enough of it gives hair a natural shine.
Food sources: lean meat, grains & soy.

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