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Stress Management

In homeopathic medicine ailments such as food allergy, hypoglycemia, high blood pressure, asthma and digestive disorders are regarded as being manifestations of stress, so treatment is likely to be long-term and constitutional; however, in acute circumstances, one of the following remedies may be useful, according to a person's circumstances:

  • Phosphoric ac. for stress due to grief or bad news
  • Picric ac. for stress due to overwork.
    Ignatia for stress following emotional upset such as a broken love affair
  • Nux for stress brought on by burning the candle at both ends, including smoking, eating or drinking too much, making the sufferer irritable.

The following remedies can be used to treat stress-related conditions, such as anxiety, nervousness, tension, and mental fatigue. Be sure to match your symptoms with the remedy that has the most similar characteristics.

Ignatia imara (Ignatia)

Symptoms: Emotional strain; mental stress; negative effects of grief, worry, disappointment, shock; hysteria; sad, moody, sighing; insomnia; headache, often following anger or grief, which becomes worse from stooping; intolerance to tobacco.

Worsened by: suppressing emotions, tobacco, coffee, brandy, smoke or strong odors.

Better from: lying on the painful side, warmth, walking, hard pressure.


Symptom: Restlessness; overexcited state that causes weakness and exhaustion; burning pains; chilliness with thirst for cold drinks; expressive, animated, overdramatic; acute senses; bothered by light and noise; nervous- ness and fear; sense that something bad will happen; fearful of being alone and crave company; easily frightened or upset, though can be reassured or distracted; crave salt, spicy food, ice cream; tendency to bleed easily (this should be evaluated medically); nosebleeds.

Worsened by: cold or heat, lying on left or painful side, thunderstorms.

Better from: massaging or rubbing; cold food or drink.

Your homeopath may suggest you learn some form of relaxation or meditation and perhaps take supplements of vitamin B complex; taking exercise may also be advised.

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