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Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants M - Z
Guaiacum officinale
Biological Name

Guaiacum officinale

Other Names

Guaiacum, Guaiac, Lignum vitae, pockwood

Parts Used
The heart-wood
Active Compounds
Lignans; furoguaiacidin, guaiacin, furoguaiacin, furoguaiaoxidin.

Resin acids; guaiaretic, hydroguaiaretic, guaiacic and a- and b- guaiaconic acids

Miscellaneous; vanillin, terpenoids including guaiagutin, guaiasaponin.
Remedies For

Anti-rheumatic, anti-inflammatory, laxative, diaphoretic, diuretic.

Guaiacum is useful for rheumatic complaints. It is especially useful where there is much inflammation and pain present. Used in chronic rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis. Aids in the treatment of gout and may be used in the prevention of its recurrence. Due to the high content of resins in this herb, care must be taken with patients with gastritis or peptic ulceration.

Combinations : It may be used together with Bogbean, Meadowsweet or Celery Seed.

Guaiac is the resin from a tree that grows in West Indies, Mexico, Central America, and northern south America. The crooked trunk grows 30 to 40 feet high and provides lignum vitae, the olive brown, heavy, very hard wood which contains the oily resin.

Decoction: put 1 teaspoonful of the wood chips in a cup of water, bring to boil and simmer for 15-20 minutes. This should be drunk three times a day.

Tincture: 1-2ml three times a day.


Due to the high content of resins in this herb, care must be taken with patients with gastritis or peptic ulceration.

No other information available. Some herbs are known to react with your medication. Please consult your physician before starting on any herb.

Medicinal Plants
List of Medicinal Plants A - L